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Otelier Billing Guide

Otelier Billing Guide

Discover everything you need to know about billing processes and procedures with Otelier

Who do I contact about billing at Otelier?

Who do I contact about billing at myDigitalOffice?

Email if you have any questions about your billing.

You can also call (+1) 240-474-7410.




How can payments be made to Otelier?

How can we make payments to myDigitalOffice?

The following payment forms are accepted by Otelier:

  • Check
  • Credit Card
  • ACH/EFT.

Where do we send payments to Otelier?

Where do we send myDigitalOffice payments?

US Customer Lockbox

PO Box 674979
Dallas TX 72567


CAD Customer Lockbox

Lockbox T57634C
PO BOX 57634, STN A
Toronto, ON M5W5N5


How do I pay via Credit Card?

How do I pay via Credit Card?

Contact our AR Team and request a stripe link.

Contact the AR Team

Who do I contact about billing at myDigitalOffice?

Email if you have any questions about your billing.

You can also call (+1) 240-474-7410.






Is there a fee for paying via Credit Card?

Is there a fee to pay via Credit Card?

Stripe charges incur a 3.5% fee for charges.


Why are we being billed for properties that are not live yet?

Why are we being billed when our properties are not live?

This is a question for your Customer Success Manager (CSM). They need to confirm your account status. 

Once confirmed, accounting can make all adjustments if/when needed.

Please contact your CSM directly.


We use DataVision, not Otelier!

We don't use myDigitalOffice, we use DataVision

Otelier acquired Datavision as of 4/28/2022 and transitioned billing from Datavision to Otelier effective on 1/1/2023.


Can we cancel our service with Otelier?

Can I cancel our service with myDigitalOffice?

Service cancellation requests MUST come from an authorized representative of your Hotel Management Group and cannot be made by individual properties (unless your property holds the contract with Otelier).



Yes, but we require written notice in accordance with your agreement and all open invoices must be paid in full.


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